Following your heart’s desires is made simple

One City Inn & In Sky Hotel’s

Foodie Map


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About the Foodie Squad

Born from a simple concept, this team was established after a weary traveler seeking solace after a challenging night stepped into the hotel.

Comprising local enthusiasts who prowl the streets in search of the best eats without regard to their belly size, meticulously sampling countless eateries to handpick 50 must-try establishments from the plethora available. These carefully chosen recommendations are extended to travelers from all corners of the world who visit the nearby Feng Chia Night Market.

Foodie’s Guide to Street Eats

To cater to discerning food enthusiasts seeking the authentic flavors of the region, the Foodie Squad at In One City Inn takes on the challenge of exploring new dining venues, engaging in business negotiations, finalizing contracts, crafting vouchers, and meticulously planning the Foodie Map. Through numerous trials, adjustments, and revisions spanning 365 days, this lively Foodie Map now presents a plethora of tantalizing cuisines, promising travelers a delightful and stress-free culinary adventure.
